Month: August 2007

  • The Christ of the Breadlines

    ‘The Christ of the Breadlines’ by Fritz Eichenberg, 1952

  • Holy energy

    Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Matthew 5:5 To reference Peterson – sometimes to understand the meaning of a word you have to understand the story in which it sits. In this case – meek – is first attributed to Moses (Jesus appears to be quoting Psalm 37 here, but the…

  • Spirituality – disrupted by grace

    Eugene Peterson [from Regent Radio: Beatitudes 3/6] acknowledges the problems of word definitions here, I see the problem – but what is said is very helpful. I hope that ‘spirituality’ and ‘ethics’ aren’t too hot words for you – and you are able to gain from reading this: What I’m calling spirituality is almost the…

  • Enriching art

    Recently, I’ve come across the work of Sister Mary Corita a nun from California and pop artist during the 1960’s and 70’s. This quote of her’s stuck me when considering the role of the artist in culture: “If we seperate ourselves from the great arts of our time, we cannot be leaven enriching our society…

  • Faithful

    “We are called not to be successful, but to be faithful.” Mother Teresa

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