The following is a summary of formation and training I’ve received in relation to Spiritual Direction. Alongside this are decades of lived experience practicing the the spiritual life — seeking to follow Jesus in personal, daily and seasonal rhythms of prayer and service; and many years of first hand experience serving and leading individuals and groups in prayer, worship, spiritual formation and discipleship.

Spiritual Direction Training

School of Spiritual Direction
Sustainable Faith, Amsterdam, NL

(09.2015 – 07.2017)
2 years formation and training. Covering skills, formation, theory, and practices for Spiritual Direction. Led by Elizabeth De Smaele. Curriculum by Sustainable Faith.

Supervision Training

Supervision Training
Sustainable Faith

(07.2021 – 03.2022)
Year long formation training to provide supervision for spiritual directors. Curriculum by Sustainable Faith.

Supervision Skills for Spiritual Direction
London Centre for Spiritual Direction

A short course for those experienced in offering spiritual direction to learn how to support and supervise others. LCSD

Safeguarding Training

Safeguarding Leadership Module Church of England Training (06.2021 – 07.2021)

Safeguarding Foundations & Safeguarding Awareness Certificate Church of England Training (06.2021)

Awareness, Embodiment, Resistance & Goals: Gestalt Concepts for Ignatian Practitioners, Spiritual Exercises Network with Rev Dr J Russell. (11.2024)

Spiritual Direction Teachers’ Gatherings, Sustainable Faith, Online. Teaching, support, prayer, meditation and community (2020 – 2024)

The Ignatian Spiritual Exercises, 19th Annotation. A ‘retreat in everyday life’ over 32 weeks with prayer, meditation, contemplation, discernment and accompaniment. (10.2018 – 07.2019).

Spiritual Direction Support Days, Southwell & Nottingham Anglican Diocese. Teaching, support and community (2018).

Accompanied Prayer, Southwell & Nottingham Diocese. Prayer, meditation, contemplation and spiritual accompianment (04.2015 – 05.2015).

Wellspring contemplative practices group, Nottingham. Enneagram, contemplative and centring prayer, prayer ministry, meditation (01.2013 – 07.2015).

Essentials in Spiritual Formation, The Institute of Contemporary And Emerging Worship Studies with Dan Wilt. Syllabus based around Richard Foster’s Devotional Classics (09.2009 – 07.2010).

Staying in the Vine & Staying in the Vine Plus, Trent Vineyard. Spiritual Formation, prayer, meditation, and contemplative practices (10. 2006 – 11.2006 & 03.2008 – 07.2008).

Life of Worship, Trent Vineyard, Nottingham. Year long exploration into the depth and breath of worship in community. (2004 – 2005).

Annual Leadership Training Days, Trent Vineyard, Nottingham. Leadership teaching and formation (2001 – 2018).

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