This site has been created by Jonny Norridge as a way to highlight his work with in the field of spiritual direction, spiritual formation and contemplative spirituality.
All words and images: J. Norridge unless otherwise stated. All copyright belongs to the creator.
Design & Development: J Norridge
Looking to stay in touch? — follow The Contemplative Space on Twitter or Instagram
“If you are passionate about seeking justice, renewing culture, & taking up your vocation to unfurl all of creation’s potential, you need to invest in the formation of your imagination… to curate your heart… [&] to worship well. Because you are what you love.”
J K A Smith ‘You are what you love’
“You seek answers
from Alice Fryling’s ‘Seeking God Together’
to what cannot be fully known.
I don’t know either, but I will help you search.
I offer no solutions, no final answers.
I am as weak and limited as you are.
But we are not alone.
Where there is charity and love, God is there. Together we form community. Together we continue the spiritual search.”
“Sing about a fruitful vineyard: I, the Lord, watch over it; I water it continually.
From Isaiah 27