Details of Costs

There are a few spiritual directors who are able to provide this service for free, whilst many will charge for their time. Spirituality, like air, is of course freely received as gift. Yet, offering long term spiritual direction does involve commitments of time, reflection, supervision, and on going formation.

Ultimately, my desire is to be available to anyone seeking spiritual depth. And, whilst my hope is to generously express divine grace in every interaction — I am limited — so it is only in specific cases where I am able offer long term spiritual accompaniment at no cost

1 hour sessions are offered on sliding scale: £35* – £55** I invite you to choose a fee that relates to you and your current circumstance. Introduction conversations are not charged for.

*— I am particularly sensitive to those in no-income & low-income situations or who find themselves in a time of limited finances. I’m happy to discuss options with those in need.

**— Please pay what is sustainable for you. It is assumed those paying the top rate are able to expense the fee or are personally well resourced. Thank you to those who choose the upper rate, your generosity helps make the lower rate possible for others.

‘It’s just too much’ — If you find yourself at the end of your rope and with no means to pay for spiritual direction: every few months I offer a free set of sessions for an individual. Please contact me to see if this place is currently available.

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