Eugene Peterson [from Regent Radio: Beatitudes 3/6] acknowledges the problems of word definitions here, I see the problem – but what is said is very helpful. I hope that ‘spirituality’ and ‘ethics’ aren’t too hot words for you – and you are able to gain from reading this:
What I’m calling spirituality is almost the oposite of what people often call ethics. In ethics we decide what is the right thing to do and then do it. We decide to do it or not do it. [This process] is necessary… we need guidance and people who will help us do that. But that is not the genius of the gospel. Although it’s certainly part of it. Ethics is necessary the way plumbing is necessary it’s nice to have it but it’s not interesting. What’s interesting is what God is doing, not what we’re doing.
Now spirituality takes the opposite tack [to ethics]. Instead of saying whats the right thing to do and how do I do it. It says what is God doing and how can I get in on it. Spirituality does not primarily look to us… it’s not a study or concern for behaviour. Its a trained attentiveness to who God is and how he acts, and then an openness to participation. To being obedient, trusting, and entering to this world of gospel. …
Spirituality is big on wonder, worship, prayer, and obedience… so we are accessible to grace… letting ourselves be operated on by God…
… So Jesus gives us these Beatitudes…