Category: Miscellaneous
Become and becoming
Our life and how we live in the world now and in the future is, almost totally, a result of what we have become in the depths of our being – in our spirit, will or heart. That is where we understand our world and interpret reality. From there we make our choices, act and…
Spiritual Direction Training
I received my training with Sustainable Faith‘s School of Spiritual Direction. Sustainable Faith have many schools around the world — I spend two years with a cohort of fellow trainees in Amsterdam. I have since been involved in the training of others with the training schools running in the UK. There are now many good places to train…
Listen to your life…
Listen to your life. See it for the fathomless mystery it is. In the boredom and pain of it, no less than in the excitement and gladness: touch, taste, smell your way to the holy and hidden heart of it, because in the last analysis all moments are key moments, and life itself is grace.…
Bear patiently…
Be still my soul the Lord is on thy sideBear patiently the cross of grief or painLeave to thy God to order and provide In every change He faithful will remainBe still my soul thy best, thy heavenly friendThrough thorny ways leads to a joyful end” From the hymn ‘Be Still, My Soul’ by Jean…
Let not our souls be busy inns …
Lord, let not our souls be busy inns that have no room for thee or thine,But quiet homes of prayer and praise,where thou mayest find fit company,Where the needful cares of life are wisely ordered and put away,And wide, sweet spaces kept for thee;where holy thoughts pass up and downAnd fervent longings watch and wait thy…
Step back and take the long view
[The following homily is sometimes called ‘a prayer of Oscar Romero’ it should probably be known as ‘a homily for deceased priests’. It was written composed by Bishop Ken Untener of Saginaw and was drafted for a homily given by Card. John Dearden on the occasion of the Mass for Deceased Priests, October 25, 1979.…
Online Spiritual Direction
Well over half the spiritual direction sessions I run are online. I’ve found platforms such as: Skype, FaceTime and Zoom (amongst others) very helpful in facilitating space for spiritual direction conversations, and enables me to connect with people across the country and around the world. Perhaps you’re wondering if engaging with a spiritual director over…
Centering: Be Still
When we make time to rest, to pray and to meditate we can often find it difficult to simply stop. We notice an inner inertia — our thoughts, desires and activity seem to have an on going momentum. So, it is helpful to bring ourselves to pause in order for us to be able to…
Visio Divina (baptised in gold)
I had the privilege of being able to spend some time in a couple of London’s galleries & museums this summer. Of all I saw, this sculpture particularly struck me, partly, I suspect because I was not expecting it. We stumbled upon it on the fourth floor of the V&A, tucked in the corner of…
Slow work, patience and trust
Above all, trust in the slow work of God.We are quite naturally impatient in everythingto reach the end without delay.We should like to skip the intermediate stages.We are impatient of being on the way to somethingunknown, something new.And yet it is the law of all progressthat it is made by passing throughsome stages of instability—and…