This week as I settled into prayer I returned to the words of this Psalm. As you gaze and meditate on the words, which words stand out to you?
This week it was the words “unless the Lord…” which seemed to have the most resonance for me. I allowed them to come into sync with my breathing, so that my breath and and the words became a unified prayer.
“Unless the Lord …”
Life often has lessons to teach us about our limitedness. This week has provided many opportunities to teach me about my finiteness. I find these words of the Psalmist comforting, for I also am in need of power beyond my agency, am am in need of provision beyond my own resources, I am need to love beyond my own love.
“Unless the Lord …”
I acknowledge that things are limited also — I don’t need something, I need someone. Specifically, I need One who is greater — the Source of Life — Creator, Sustainer, Liberator and Lover — from whom, to whom and through whom are all things.*
“Unless the Lord …”
Unless you Lord are the one at work in our work,
then our labour is in vain.
Unless you watch over us,
then our plans are vanity.
Yet — if
— if you are — if!
I still myself.
You are present and active;
My whole perspective, and my manner of activity must change.
May we trust you in our activity,
and trust you in our rest.
May we learn the unforced rhythms of grace.**
We yield
to You — Source of Life.
From you , to you and through you are all things.
* — Romans 11:36 (NIV)
** — Matthew 11:28-30 (MSG)