I tend to loop through the Sunday lectionary for my daily reading. This week we’re approaching Pentecost, and John 20.19-23 was my reading this morning.
I noticed Jesus coming to the disciples hidden behind locked doors in fear. He’s not waiting for them to be ok, or to get sorted. His presence with them is not conditional.
“It’s ok not to be ok” — as some counsellors say (not meaning everything is fine, but that you are welcome here as you are)
We all know our own not-ok-ness. Whether that’s fear, confusion, over-whelmed, ill health, malaise, tired, worn out, low, lost vision. It’s these people, these not-ok people Jesus comes to console. And he freely gives them his Spirit — releasing them to be like him in the world.
Pentecost is coming. We’re not ok and not ready. And still Jesus breathes his Spirit on us.