This is the day

Awake my soul
The many shades of sky,
crystalline white, pale mauve,
a green, soft, light rests in
to the blue, aqua tones
found nowhere else in nature,
except on the back of
rare, warm water creatures.
Yet here I sit staring
out on a winters sky
at the mid point between
the equator and pole.
A frost bitten landscape
glamourously revealed,
for the display of his

I am reminded this morning about the essential nature of being able to receive from God, in this way of life we have inherited from Jesus. We receive gifts of grace in the day, the wonder of nature, those around us and through ways which surprise us and catch us unawares (miracles). In all these ways God gives and even as we note this, we become aware that our very life is a gift and our ability to recognise this glorious grace is a gift. Of course there is much we can do; many ways we can participate in grace, but primarily we do this by recognising God as the source. And yet, Jesus also says, it is better to give than to receive. We needn’t be stagnant pools of dead water, but everything we receive from the Father can be shared beyond ourselves (for there is no need to horde, as if the source would run dry). In this way, as we receive and give, and give and receive. We enter into the flow of grace.

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